go-to guy 7.31   Our go-to guys.
  cable guy 1.51   CBS escaped the cable guy.
  college guy 0.99   College guys?
  team guy 0.92   Team tough guy.
  baseball guy 0.86   You are a baseball guy.
  cover guy 0.79   Super range but not instinctive cover guy.
  big-play guy 0.72   This is a big-play guy.
  computer guy 0.72   Venkataram is a computer guy.
  neighborhood guy 0.72   He was a neighborhood guy, too, from Hempstead, N.Y.
  character guy 0.66   And they are all character guys.
  football guy 0.66   A real football guy.
  radio guy 0.66   This, I realized, is a true radio guy.
  security guy 0.66   A. We like our security guys.
  age guy 0.59   Most guys my age were jerks.
  business guy 0.59   I am a business guy.
  day guy 0.59   Different guy each day.
  glamour guy 0.59   He is the glamour guy in the group.
  movie guy 0.59   All comic-book movie bad guys are jokes.
  delivery guy 0.53   None, except for the delivery guy.
  number guy 0.53   The gamblers, the pimps, the numbers guys.
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