government guarantee 11.78   The government will not guarantee the financing.
  law guarantee 3.42   A new state law guarantees it.
  agreement guarantee 2.96   It wants the agreement to guarantee this.
  constitution guarantee 2.63   The constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
  company guarantee 2.04   The company guarantees results within two weeks.
  victory guarantee 1.65   The victory guaranteed this week will be better.
  bill guarantee 1.51   The bill does not guarantee that basic freedom.
  bank guarantee 1.38   The bank denied it guaranteed the loans.
  state guarantee 1.38   The state will not guarantee the bonds.
  loan guarantee 1.25   How are loan guarantees to be counted?
  security guarantee 1.25   He also has urged the Palestinians to offer security guarantees to Israel.
  accord guarantee 1.18   The accord guaranteed retraining for those who lost their jobs to Mexico.
  win guarantee 1.18   A win would guarantee it.
  authority guarantee 1.05   Croatian authorities also guaranteed they would ensure his return.
  plan guarantee 0.99   The plan also guarantees amnesty for Koroma and his forces.
  contract guarantee 0.92   His contract guarantees that.
  measure guarantee 0.86   Even the most aggressive measures have not guaranteed healthy knees.
  deal guarantee 0.79   He also pledged that any deal would guarantee the rights of workers.
  system guarantee 0.79   And the cozy political system guaranteed them access to capital.
  right guarantee 0.72   In other words, is it a right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution?
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