security guarantee 26.73   The union wants job security guarantees.
  loan guarantee 21.79   It is a loan guarantee.
  government guarantee 6.78   Gore wants Social Security to remain a government guarantee.
  safety guarantee 4.21   The prison guards have demanded safety guarantees.
  money-back guarantee 4.02   We want the money-back guarantee.
  job guarantee 3.49   Union leaders want job guarantees.
  credit guarantee 3.03   The government has offered credit guarantees.
  bank guarantee 2.24   He even asked me for a bank guarantee for the payment of the two boxers.
  investment guarantee 2.24   Investment guarantees bring no such domestic spinoffs.
  lifetime guarantee 1.78   The stuff came with a lifetime guarantee.
  export guarantee 1.58   On the third measure, the Exim bank is helping with its export guarantee.
  employment guarantee 0.86   Sweden wants an employment guarantee in the EU treaty.
  profit guarantee 0.86   ACF Holdings proposes revision of profit guarantee, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  price guarantee 0.72   An outside investor would want price guarantees.
  payment guarantee 0.59   Might the state lighten up the terms of the tax payment guarantee?
  free-speech guarantee 0.53   Such reprisals, he argued, violated his free-speech guarantees.
  privacy guarantee 0.46   --Seek privacy guarantees.
  service guarantee 0.46   When you buy a car, you get a service guarantee.
  blanket guarantee 0.39   In normal times, the ending of the blanket guarantee would probably cause barely a ripple.
  immunity guarantee 0.39   He added that the immunity guarantee was not yet in effect when he was arrested.
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