olive grove 7.37   ...an olive grove.
  orange grove 4.15   Then orange groves.
  citrus grove 2.63   ...citrus groves.
  small grove 1.05   A motte is a small grove of trees.
  nearby grove 0.86   He then shot himself to death in a nearby grove of trees.
  sacred grove 0.66   The sacred grove is our sanctuary, our temple.
  aspen grove 0.53   Basque graffiti, still clearly visible, covers the Aspen groves along the trails.
  thick grove 0.46   We were going to the thick grove of woods with the carved tree stumps in its center.
  ancient grove 0.39   Pacific Lumber owns most major ancient groves in private hands.
  little grove 0.39   We found the family plot in a little grove of linden trees.
  large grove 0.33   In large groves and small.
  almond grove 0.26   The old city lay among sweet-smelling pine woods and almond groves.
  avocado grove 0.26   Three months ago he was abducted, sodomized, murdered, dismembered and left in an avocado grove.
  shady grove 0.26   They had arrived in a shady grove around a small stone shrine.
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