double-play grounder 6.39   Park induced three double-play grounders.
  infield grounder 2.63   It was anything but a routine infield grounder.
  one-out grounder 0.59   Pinch-hitter Bubba Trammell drove in Cairo with a one-out grounder.
  broken-bat grounder 0.53   He retired Todd Pratt on a broken-bat grounder.
  two-out grounder 0.46   In the sixth, Zeile dived to his right for a two-out grounder and raced to first to beat Carlos Hernandez.
  bad-hop grounder 0.39   Ken Keltner reached on a bad-hop grounder to shortstop Eddie Miller.
  hard-hit grounder 0.33   One throwing chance came after a hard-hit grounder that allowed him to lob the ball to first.
  field grounder 0.26   He is said to be too busy making his charges field grounders to attend the hoopla.
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