rocket-propelled grenade 38.25   ...rocket-propelled grenades.
  anti-tank grenade 4.67   Anti-tank grenades blasted chunks out of the Legislative Palace.
  homemade grenade 3.55   Blasts from homemade grenades repeatedly rocked the area.
  smoke grenade 2.44   Then the smoke grenade exploded.
  unexploded grenade 1.91   In one room, an unexploded grenade was discovered.
  live grenade 1.58   This loss hit closer to home, like a live grenade rolled into a pup tent.
  second grenade 0.99   A second grenade was found at the building.
  sound grenade 0.86   Tear gas, sound grenades and rubber bullets were fired.
  exploding grenade 0.72   One mural showed Yassin and an exploding grenade.
  rifle-propelled grenade 0.72   Four teen-agers were injured, two of them seriously, while playing with a rifle-propelled grenade.
  the grenade 0.72   Another officer put a pin in the other grenade.
  deadly grenade 0.59   Following up developments in deadly grenade attack on church.
  verbal grenade 0.59   Onetime throwaway lines by politicians now turn into verbal grenades.
  hurled grenade 0.53   They dynamited a wall with TNT and hurled grenades, stormed the apartment and killed the man, who has not been named.
  automatic grenade 0.46   An automatic grenade launcher also was used, Romley said.
  booby-trapped grenade 0.46   Andrews lost his sight in Vietnam when a booby-trapped grenade blew up in in his face.
  fake grenade 0.46   Police later said the device was a fake grenade.
  first grenade 0.46   The first grenade hit an embassy wall but caused no damage or injuries.
  home-made grenade 0.39   A hail of home-made grenades and petrol bombs have rained down on police vehicles, which are lined across the Limestone Road.
  lobbing grenade 0.39   Lobbing grenades at Donahue after two games may not seem fair.
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