crowd greet 2.04   Eager crowds greet him in every village.
  people greet 2.04   People in cars greet you with a wave.
  hundred greet 1.97   Hundreds greeted them with the traditional debka dance and women ululated.
  fan greet 1.91   How will the fans greet them?
  applause greet 1.71   Loud applause greeted this remark.
  thousand greet 1.45   He was greeted by thousands.
  man greet 0.99   A smiling young man greeted me.
  official greet 0.92   No senior officials greeted him at the airport.
  cheer greet 0.86   Each shot was greeted by cheers from the villagers.
  investor greet 0.86   Investors greeted the plan with caution.
  supporter greet 0.86   Supporters greeted the result with a prolonged cheer.
  leader greet 0.79   Religious leaders in turbans greeted him.
  resident greet 0.79   Belgrade residents greet the reopening of restaurant.
  woman greet 0.79   An attractive woman greeted us at the door.
  child greet 0.72   Children greeted them with flowers.
  silence greet 0.72   Carter asked, only to be greeted by silence.
  member greet 0.66   Women members greeted the announcement with loud protests.
  protester greet 0.66   Maori protesters greet Queen Elizabeth II.
  analyst greet 0.59   Still, analysts greeted the news warmly.
  audience greet 0.59   The audience at once greeted him warmly.
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