english grammar 1.45   English grammar can be hard to master.
  new grammar 1.12   But there is a new grammar book and it is delightful.
  bad grammar 0.79   Our teacher will not tolerate bad grammar.
  french grammar 0.53   And in French grammar, especially, mistakes there will be.
  basic grammar 0.33   Students at this level may have problems with basic grammar.
  traditional grammar 0.33   One criterion for grading these essays will be their conformity to the rules of traditional grammar.
  finite grammar 0.26   In the ARPA project, most of the search strategies relied on properties of finite state grammars to limit the search.
  good grammar 0.26   But I was glad to know that good grammar is alive and well.
  pedagogical grammar 0.26   The purpose of a pedagogical grammar is to teach the student to speak the language.
  poor grammar 0.26   Should a parent let poor grammar slip by?
  state grammar 0.26   In the ARPA project, most of the search strategies relied on properties of finite state grammars to limit the search.
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