former governor 63.66   All three are former governors.
  republican governor 42.53   Both states have Republican governors.
  provincial governor 19.88   He was the son of a provincial governor.
  state governor 17.84   Big state governors also seem to do fine.
  democratic governor 15.60   He is a Democratic governor from the South.
  new governor 14.88   A new governor has been inaugurated.
  regional governor 11.98   The council has chosen Qadir as regional governor.
  acting governor 10.60   Certainly, the acting governor is one.
  first governor 5.99   I was the first governor elected to back-to-back terms.
  local governor 5.20   Local governors control another chunk.
  british governor 5.07   The British governors used English.
  popular governor 4.74   He is also a popular governor.
  incumbent governor 4.28   Zubov, as the incumbent governor, won the contest.
  military governor 3.29   The military governor was appointed by Ratsiraka after he declared martial law.
  elected governor 3.09   The head of government is an elected governor.
  current governor 2.96   The current governor also is from the PAN.
  general governor 2.83   An uncle, Vincent, was governor general of Canada.
  next governor 2.83   The winner will become the next governor.
  last governor 2.70   The last governor is circumspect about his own future.
  southern governor 2.37   He brought five southern governors on trips to Israel.
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