do good 28.77   But it did no good.
  have good 3.88   You have had a good?
  take good 1.51   You take the good with the bad.
  see good 1.45   I just try to see the good in everyone.
  find good 0.66   He finds the good in most things.
  get good 0.66   Get a good, last look at Michael Jordan.
  bring good 0.59   Bad always brings good.
  produce good 0.53   Because of that, they do not produce the good they are meant to produce.
  serve good 0.53   Clearly, the public good is served by removing this president.
  pretty good 0.46   All once pretty good.
  accomplish good 0.39   The money has accomplished some good in some countries.
  expect good 0.39   What good can be expected and how can it be achieved?
  mean good 0.39   He means no good.
  separate good 0.39   Who separates the good from the bad?
  achieve good 0.33   We will prefer the hard because only the hard will achieve the good.
  like good 0.33   Yeah I would like good.
  need good 0.33   Travelers also need a good insect repellent.
  outweigh good 0.33   The bad news outweighs the good.
  put good 0.33   She may be putting the good of the country above any personal feelings.
  remember good 0.33   People only remember the good.
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