win gold 37.52   Did she win gold?
  sell gold 7.37   People can either donate or sell their gold.
  buy gold 7.31   Others are buying gold.
  strike gold 5.86   He struck gold.
  have gold 5.73   We have gold.
  take gold 5.66   Johnson took the gold.
  include gold 3.62   It now has five, including two gold.
  get gold 2.96   I got the gold.
  use gold 2.96   Gold is often used as an inflation hedge.
  find gold 2.83   Had he found any gold?
  see gold 2.44   Gold is seen as a hedge against inflation.
  capture gold 1.91   Three other nations also captured two golds each.
  extract gold 1.84   Miners at the Colorado site used chemicals to extract gold.
  collect gold 1.71   Italy collected two golds Thursday.
  clinch gold 1.38   Then came Laitinen, who clinched the gold for Finland.
  mine gold 1.38   Now Montero enslaves them to mine gold.
  steal gold 1.32   The Nazi gold was stolen by Germany.
  add gold 1.25   Nurul added a gold in the floor exercises.
  discover gold 1.25   The museum sits on the exact spot where gold was first discovered.
  contain gold 1.18   A fake tooth, a crown, might contain gold?
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