rwandan genocide 4.87   The Rwandan genocide is not reworked.
  nazi genocide 1.71   Six million Jews perished in the Nazi genocide.
  first genocide 1.12   Rwanda prepares for first genocide trials.
  alleged genocide 0.86   He is now on trial there for alleged genocide and war crimes in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia.
  armenian genocide 0.66   On Wednesday, the Canadian Senate is scheduled to review two measures on recognizing the Armenian genocide.
  planned genocide 0.59   Turkey admits that Armenians were killed, but says the killings were not part of a planned genocide.
  international genocide 0.53   International genocide tribunal scheduled to open following month in Tanzania.
  cambodian genocide 0.46   Mixed feelings over museum on Cambodian genocide.
  inciting genocide 0.46   They are accused of inciting genocide and crimes against humanity.
  cultural genocide 0.33   Such cultural genocide can only deprive invaluable lessons to be learnt about survival.
  new genocide 0.33   Conflicts in Rwanda, Burundi and Zaire remain unresolved, with the potential for new genocide in Africa.
  ethnic genocide 0.26   Languages can also be lost more dramatically through war and ethnic genocide, as well as mass migrations and cultural imperialism.
  racial genocide 0.26   It slammed the United States for racial genocide against the American Indians, although similar charges are launched at Beijing for its treatment of Tibetans.
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