security gate 5.33   Is her security gate frozen?
  steel gate 4.21   The steel gates had been left open.
  prison gate 3.95   Prison gates would not swing open.
  iron gate 3.82   Iron gates shutter every shop.
  entrance gate 3.49   Soldiers were guarding the entrance gate.
  palace gate 3.16   We jolt to a stop at the palace gates.
  factory gate 2.96   Thousands protested at the factory gates in outrage.
  embassy gate 2.70   The students sat quietly outside the embassy gate.
  school gate 2.57   The children poured out of the school gates.
  wrought-iron gate 2.50   Wrought-iron gates groaned and sighed.
  departure gate 2.11   Husky Stadium was their departure gate.
  airport gate 2.04   Armed guards stood at airport gates.
  border gate 1.97   Turkey also kept its Habur border gate with Iraq closed.
  flood gate 1.78   The flood gates broke open.
  campus gate 1.65   But for Gingrich, politics never stopped at the campus gate.
  rear gate 1.51   --The split rear gate.
  city gate 1.32   The Messiah would be found at the city gate, Elijah said.
  side gate 1.18   He exits through a side gate and climbs into the Bronco.
  cemetery gate 1.05   Through a green metal cemetery gate.
  stadium gate 1.05   The mushroom patch of satellite dishes outside the stadium gate.
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