reformulated gasoline 5.99   Reformulated gasoline is drawing consumer protests.
  higher gasoline 5.13   Higher gasoline prices also may hurt sales.
  unleaded gasoline 3.36   The engine operates on unleaded regular gasoline.
  high gasoline 3.03   We got them, as evidenced by the record high gasoline prices.
  leaded gasoline 2.90   The statement included a call to ban leaded gasoline.
  domestic gasoline 2.04   The price of domestic gasoline rose sixfold in April.
  cleaner gasoline 1.84   Oil refiners will have to make cleaner gasoline, too.
  federal gasoline 1.84   It relies on revenues from the federal gasoline tax.
  rising gasoline 1.84   And rising gasoline prices have taken a toll.
  cheap gasoline 1.38   Cheap gasoline will make your engine knock.
  cleaner-burning gasoline 1.32   Environmental and consumer groups support cleaner-burning gasoline.
  regular gasoline 1.25   The engine operates on unleaded regular gasoline.
  new gasoline 1.05   Ford opposed new gasoline taxes.
  conventional gasoline 0.92   Reformulated gas outside the Midwest is about the same as conventional gasoline, said Browner.
  small gasoline 0.92   A small gasoline engine is up front.
  lower gasoline 0.79   And could it help lower gasoline prices?
  soaring gasoline 0.79   Dole proposed the repeal of the tax to lower soaring gasoline prices.
  spilled gasoline 0.79   The spilled gasoline suddenly flared up in a sheet of flame.
  high-octane gasoline 0.72   The unit produces the reformulates used to make high-octane gasoline.
  lead-free gasoline 0.72   In the United States, only lead-free gasoline is used.
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