japanese gangster 1.51   The immigration office keeps a list of reported Japanese gangsters.
  russian gangster 1.18   Then Russian gangsters intervene.
  suspected gangster 1.12   In late April, they arrested seven suspected gangsters and seized weapons.
  alleged gangster 0.86   Lo, the son of an alleged gangster, is running for the provincial assembly.
  local gangster 0.79   Bike Ming, who allegedly led a group of local Vietnamese gangsters, thumbed his nose at Kwong.
  american gangster 0.66   He was obsessed with American gangster movies.
  the gangster 0.59   The five gangsters were later arrested.
  reputed gangster 0.53   Libel laws made it risky to name the reputed gangsters, so she referred to them by their colorful nicknames.
  chinese gangster 0.46   It has something to do with Chinese gangsters, although not much.
  notorious gangster 0.46   As usual, this notorious gangster was accompanied by two armed bodyguards.
  former gangster 0.39   Heeding a higher boss, former gangsters preach for Jesus.
  rival gangster 0.39   A rival gangster was arrested on the spot, police said.
  armed gangster 0.33   Heavily armed gangsters rule the streets in this, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
  corporate gangster 0.26   Andy Garcia is creepy, playing Lucky Luciano as a kind of corporate gangster.
  jewish gangster 0.26   He ran a New York nightclub for the Jewish gangsters.
  taiwanese gangster 0.26   China has supplied Taiwanese gangsters with firearms in an attempt to cause social unrest on the island, a newspaper reported Monday.
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