state funeral 15.21   She was given a state funeral.
  private funeral 8.76   A private funeral is planned.
  mass funeral 3.75   A mass funeral is to be held.
  family funeral 2.04   It was a family funeral.
  traditional funeral 1.71   A traditional funeral generally costs several thousand dollars.
  mock funeral 1.45   The group staged a mock funeral for the victims of pigeon shoots.
  emotional funeral 1.32   APTV has coverage of the emotional funeral.
  military funeral 1.25   That changed as Barak faced military funerals.
  official funeral 1.05   An official state funeral will be held the following morning.
  public funeral 0.99   Public funeral for Diana.
  separate funeral 0.99   The three were buried in separate funerals Wednesday.
  symbolic funeral 0.86   The family said it will hold a symbolic funeral Friday.
  largest funeral 0.79   It was the largest funeral in Portola in recent memory.
  second funeral 0.72   He presided over the second funeral, a small, private affair.
  elaborate funeral 0.66   She gave her goldfish and pet birds elaborate funerals, with music and tiny coffins.
  jazz funeral 0.66   Even a New Orleans-style jazz funeral march seems draggy.
  joint funeral 0.66   A joint funeral will be held Friday in San Benito.
  proper funeral 0.66   Now the family hopes for a proper funeral.
  royal funeral 0.66   Royal funerals fall into three categories.
  recent funeral 0.59   A heart-shaped wreath is carried at a recent funeral.
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