develop friendship 3.03   The four soon would develop lasting friendships.
  forge friendship 2.96   Long before this, I suspected we had forged a friendship.
  renew friendship 1.58   They renewed my friendship.
  maintain friendship 1.45   IT TAKES a lot to maintain friendships.
  build friendship 1.38   It alters how they build friendships.
  cultivate friendship 1.32   Besides, he was only cultivating friendship.
  make friendship 1.18   Friendships are made.
  have friendship 1.05   I have so many friendships.
  promote friendship 0.79   They are in no way helping to create a conducive atmosphere to promote friendship and conduct healthy business.
  establish friendship 0.72   A lasting friendship was established.
  strengthen friendship 0.72   There are many mixed Marriages, and war has only strengthened friendships.
  begin friendship 0.66   So we began our friendship.
  enjoy friendship 0.66   Braves players enjoyed his friendship.
  rekindle friendship 0.66   The two men rekindled their friendship soon afterward.
  use friendship 0.66   Wiener said Prosperi never used their friendship to influence Town Council decisions.
  end friendship 0.59   So she ended the friendship.
  foster friendship 0.59   The engendered spirit is cooperative and fosters friendship.
  value friendship 0.59   How do you value friendship?
  resume friendship 0.53   The couples resumed their friendship.
  strike_up friendship 0.53   President, golfer struck up friendship on the course.
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