mail fraud 14.94   He is charged with mail fraud.
  security fraud 13.36   A. It certainly can be securities fraud.
  election fraud 12.64   Election fraud was common.
  tax fraud 11.39   All three were charged with tax fraud.
  vote fraud 11.26   There were charges of vote fraud.
  voter fraud 8.69   Voter fraud.
  bank fraud 8.49   His wife is accused of bank fraud.
  wire fraud 8.23   He was charged with wire fraud.
  consumer fraud 2.30   Consumer fraud?
  welfare fraud 2.24   The couple also face charges of welfare fraud.
  credit-card fraud 1.91   Her husband is serving a two-year sentence for credit-card fraud.
  investment fraud 1.84   He also faces a fine for investment fraud.
  bankruptcy fraud 1.58   His wife has been charged with bankruptcy fraud.
  computer fraud 1.51   The two were charged with wire fraud and computer fraud.
  immigration fraud 1.51   Tiny, mysterious lab battles immigration document fraud.
  identity fraud 1.38   Two-thirds involved identity fraud.
  health-care fraud 1.32   The politics of health-care fraud crosses partisan lines.
  document fraud 1.25   Tiny, mysterious lab battles immigration document fraud.
  passport fraud 1.25   New procedures offer protection against passport fraud.
  check fraud 1.18   Various forms of check fraud also are rising, bankers said.
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