hip fracture 3.49   One in five will die from a hip fracture.
  small fracture 1.65   I think it put a small fracture in there because it was weak.
  spinal fracture 1.45   Lazier had a lower spinal fracture and a concussion.
  facial fracture 0.99   He was treated for facial fracture.
  double fracture 0.79   One had a double fracture of the leg, the other a broken ankle.
  displaced fracture 0.59   He had a displaced fracture of the spine between vertebras six and seven, high in the back.
  minor fracture 0.59   A couple of straightforward minor fractures, one sprain.
  slight fracture 0.53   An examination revealed the slight fracture.
  non-displaced fracture 0.46   The exact diagnosis was an acute non-displaced fracture.
  second fracture 0.46   But X-rays last Thursday showed a second fracture.
  serious fracture 0.46   He suffered serious fractures and a head injury.
  severe fracture 0.46   Lazier felt excruciating pain, symptomatic of the severe lumbar fractures he suffered.
  suspected fracture 0.46   Reiffel was ruled out with a suspected fracture on the little finger in his right hand.
  possible fracture 0.39   Doctors have yet to X-ray the leg for possible fractures.
  suffered fracture 0.39   Those injured suffered fractures, back injuries and burns.
  vertebral fracture 0.39   And they are three times more prone to devastating hip and vertebral fractures.
  depressed fracture 0.33   Pears went to hospital yesterday for an operation on a depressed fracture of the cheekbone.
  open fracture 0.33   If the child is bruised and has no open fractures, you can just call the doctor.
  pelvic fracture 0.33   Mark Dismore, also injured in a one-car incident, was in stable condition with a pelvic fracture.
  a fracture 0.26   A lesser fracture required no operation, a medical report said.
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