win fourth 3.36   Slovenia won the fourth.
  lose fourth 2.83   Cubs lost their fourth in a row.
  open fourth 2.37   But the Cavaliers opened the fourth with a flourish.
  start fourth 2.11   He hit Giambi with a pitch to start the fourth.
  score fourth 0.99   French international Christophe Dugarry scored the fourth.
  end fourth 0.79   He ended the fourth with two strikeouts.
  begin fourth 0.72   Leiter had no touch to begin the fourth.
  add fourth 0.59   The photographer added the fourth to give the picture symmetry.
  finish fourth 0.53   Another goal is to finish at least fourth and get home ice.
  birdie fourth 0.39   Els birdied the fourth to go ahead and steadily built up his lead as Brooks continually found bunkers.
  conduct fourth 0.39   France conducted the fourth of six planned nuclear tests Tuesday at the Mururoa atoll in the South Pacific.
  drop fourth 0.39   Milwaukee dropped its fourth in a row.
  find fourth 0.33   The fourth was found later, but search and rescue officials did not know his condition.
  get fourth 0.33   Conceicao got the fourth in the final minute.
  hit fourth 0.33   Escarre hit the fourth.
  hold fourth 0.33   Gateway, IBM, and Apple held the fourth through sixth slots.
  play fourth 0.33   The Sharks played the fourth of a six-game road trip.
  damage fourth 0.26   The fourth was damaged in the June crash.
  rank fourth 0.26   In terms of the rupiah budget, this sector ranks the fourth largest.
  take fourth 0.26   The fourth was taken to Harlem Hospital.
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