company founder 5.86   Company founder Wright is an adventurer.
  sect founder 0.66   A police hunt is underway worldwide for the sect founder Luc Jouret.
  billionaire founder 0.46   Bloomberg, the billionaire founder of a communications company, is shifting to unfamiliar territory.
  cult founder 0.46   Cult founder Jouret owned the chalets, police in Canada said.
  team founder 0.46   Team founder Frank Williams is expecting great things from the partnership with BMW.
  cartel founder 0.39   Medillin drug cartel founder released.
  group founder 0.33   Daewoo group founder Kim Woo-Jung was also expected to appear.
  museum founder 0.33   Both are strong yet fragile, according to museum founder Irvin Borowsky.
  school founder 0.33   Jackson acknowledged, however, that complaints against some school founders have merit.
  economy founder 0.26   Suriname has been rocked by labor unrest and political turmoil in the last year as the economy founders and prices soar.
  league founder 0.26   But equally vexing to league founders Dennis Murphy and Gary Davidson was the utter disdain with which their idea was greeted in Canada.
  solidarity founder 0.26   Solidarity founder and former President Lech Walesa declined to sing, claiming he has no voice.
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