star formation 2.24   The key to star formation is gravity, says Hester.
  new formation 2.04   But most approved the new formation.
  geological formation 1.71   Seismic surveys use sound waves to chart geological formations.
  stone formation 1.71   Nearby excavations revealed underground stone formations.
  tight formation 1.38   Plenty of groups can execute a tight formation on a football field.
  different formation 1.32   We try to get in different formations.
  military formation 1.25   We attack military formations.
  geologic formation 1.12   Inject it into geologic formations under the ocean.
  offensive formation 1.05   Louisiana Tech has an offensive formation for all occasions.
  illegal formation 0.99   But the play was nullified because of an illegal formation.
  defensive formation 0.79   Earlier, the Aggies seemed to confuse Heupel by switching their defensive formations.
  armed formation 0.66   It said seven people were detained on suspicion of having links with illegal armed formations.
  underground formation 0.66   Nearby excavations revealed underground stone formations.
  family formation 0.59   There is also an increasing trend towards greater variety in family formations.
  planetary formation 0.59   Astronomers find evidence of planetary formation.
  social formation 0.59   This capitalist thrust was within a largely pre-capitalist social formation.
  household formation 0.53   Still, household formation is slowing.
  possible formation 0.53   One is the possible formation of blood clots in the device, which can lead to a stroke.
  same formation 0.53   Coffins placed in crypt in same formation as on platform.
  large formation 0.39   A large formation of geese then appeared.
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