combine form 3.09   Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
  return form 2.57   Return to form.
  merge form 2.24   The two banks merged to form one large institution.
  use form 1.18   The dies are used to form truck body panels.
  join form 1.05   In October, they joined to form a cable sports network.
  accord form 0.99   This went exactly according to form.
  work form 0.86   Political leaders work to form new coalition.
  discuss form 0.79   Schrum approached nine schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri and New Mexico to discuss forming a new conference.
  add form 0.66   Fresh lobster meat is rolled in a flour-and-water batter with a bit of yeast added to form a tempuralike crust.
  condense form 0.59   Water vapour condenses to form clouds.
  defect form 0.53   Machar was once the second-in-command of the SPLA but then defected to form his own group.
  be form 0.46   The question now is what form, if any, will a white backlash take.
  meet form 0.39   But lately the two have been meeting to form a truce.
  negotiate form 0.39   Parties must now negotiate to form a government.
  call form 0.26   The BJP and its allies were called to form the government.
  converge form 0.26   Two giant staircases converge to form a symbolic crossroads of culture and nature.
  place form 0.26   It is best placed to form a ruling coalition with socialists, agrarians and independent deputies.
  run form 0.26   If Cigar runs to form, he should win.
  stir form 0.26   Add flour and stir to form a thick paste.
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