former foe 15.87   Bartering among former foes.
  political foe 13.82   Even his political foes pull their punches.
  old foe 5.27   So was an old foe.
  longtime foe 4.61   Iraq and Israel are longtime foes.
  bitter foe 3.42   She is a bitter foe of President Leonid Kuchma.
  formidable foe 2.76   Both are formidable foes.
  common foe 2.24   Terrorism is our common foe.
  republican foe 2.11   Another attacked his Republican foes.
  alike foe 1.51   Friends and foes alike acknowledge those skills.
  long-time foe 1.45   Grachev and Lebed were long-time foes.
  arch foe 1.38   Iran bans contact of any kind with Israel, its arch foe.
  ardent foe 1.18   He also was an ardent foe of corruption.
  potential foe 1.18   Their potential foe?
  serb foe 1.18   They watch for Serb foes just beyond the woods.
  the foe 1.12   The two foes are simply too close.
  familiar foe 1.05   Bailey and Pierce are familiar foes.
  democratic foe 0.99   But Democratic foe Al Gore refused to budge.
  implacable foe 0.99   Shas leaders now may crow that they were able to get rid of an implacable foe.
  main foe 0.99   If Mrs. Megawati has stumbled, her main foe hardly seems stronger.
  outspoken foe 0.99   Conservative legislator, outspoken foe of closer European unity.
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