talk focus 22.65   The first talks will focus on cellular phones.
  company focus 20.80   Instead, the companies will focus on domestic bonds.
  investor focus 13.43   At some point, investors will focus forward.
  attention focus 11.39   But media attention focused on Martinez.
  meeting focus 9.61   Each meeting focused on one step.
  investigation focus 9.41   The GAO investigation focused on California.
  discussion focus 8.69   Not all the discussion between students focused on algebra.
  investigator focus 8.23   Investigators focused on the role of.
  government focus 6.85   For now the government is focusing more on oil.
  group focus 6.32   Other groups have focused locally.
  study focus 5.73   Most medical studies have focused on men.
  report focus 5.27   TV reports focused on the same theme.
  program focus 5.13   The program focuses mainly on teen-agers.
  official focus 4.87   The officials focused on computer skills.
  campaign focus 4.81   The campaigns have focused on the economy.
  debate focus 4.61   The rescission debate focuses on a real problem.
  effort focus 4.48   Instead, efforts will focus on limiting human casualties.
  research focus 4.41   So research focuses on wet AMD.
  speculation focus 4.34   Speculation focuses on four UC chancellors.
  people focus 3.75   People often focus on the death rate.
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