high flying 0.92   High flying made way for the rooted.
  metal flying 0.72   He was hit in the head by a piece of metal sent flying by a car bomb.
  frequent flying 0.66   Why all the frequent flying?
  low flying 0.66   He doubts low level flying is to blame.
  commercial flying 0.46   Put simply, commercial flying stinks.
  pilot flying 0.33   Neli Vuatalevu, a pilot flying alone above Nadi, said he watched as the station disintegrated in a shower of fireballs.
  precision flying 0.33   Instead, they will attempt the precision flying using optical and laser-ranging devices.
  south flying 0.33   Doolie flying south.
  aerobatic flying 0.26   Now he wants aerobatic flying near the village to be stopped.
  reckless flying 0.26   U.S. officials blame reckless flying by the Chinese pilot.
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