bodily fluid 9.28   Sexual identity and bodily fluids.
  intravenous fluid 7.50   Trainers gave him intravenous fluids.
  lighter fluid 3.82   Charcoal lighter fluid.
  hydraulic fluid 2.63   Jams can occur because of contaminants in the hydraulic fluid.
  amniotic fluid 2.50   What is amniotic fluid made of?
  spinal fluid 2.37   ...spinal fluid.
  excess fluid 1.65   A tube drains excess fluid from his head.
  cleaning fluid 1.32   Try good old Energine cleaning fluid.
  embalming fluid 0.66   Embalming fluids cannot have been used.
  hot fluid 0.59   It may just be the hot fluids that soothe sufferers with colds.
  bloody fluid 0.53   A gush of bloody fluid filled the syringe.
  dry-cleaning fluid 0.53   A. Try dry-cleaning fluid or rubber cement solvent.
  extra fluid 0.53   Also, those extra fluids will dilute the flavorings.
  charcoal fluid 0.46   Charcoal lighter fluid.
  clear fluid 0.46   Drink plenty of clear fluids to keep nasal discharge thin.
  contaminated fluid 0.39   The virus is transmitted through contaminated bodily fluids and secretions.
  human fluid 0.39   The office refrigerator became the source of human bodily fluids that met the requirements of various studies.
  leaking fluid 0.39   It would continue to run without fluid until it burned up and, possibly, caused the leaking fluid to ignite.
  warm fluid 0.39   Warm fluid began to run down his back.
  brown fluid 0.33   Then a carbon dioxide removal system failure and a mysterious leak of brown fluid.
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