wild fluctuation 2.44   And wild fluctuations in street purity raise the risk of overdose.
  sharp fluctuation 1.91   Atlanta, however, has a sharp fluctuation in seasonal humidity.
  wide fluctuation 1.51   - Maintain proper weight without wide fluctuations.
  recent fluctuation 1.12   The aim of the limits is to check recent wild fluctuations in the peso-dollar rate.
  seasonal fluctuation 0.92   All prices are adjusted to reflect normal seasonal fluctuations.
  short-term fluctuation 0.79   The three-month measure smoothes out short-term fluctuations.
  daily fluctuation 0.72   The Washington Star tracked daily fluctuations in the betting action on the Senate trial.
  normal fluctuation 0.66   What are the normal fluctuations?
  economic fluctuation 0.53   On economic fluctuations?
  big fluctuation 0.46   He also cites big fluctuations in the stock market, which, he says, hardly inspire confidence.
  natural fluctuation 0.46   Eckert says the increase in nests may be a natural fluctuation.
  minor fluctuation 0.33   Anyone who loses focus for a second could be blowing a chance to make millions on a minor fluctuation of the market.
  minute fluctuation 0.33   GFCIs are extremely sensitive to minute fluctuations in power.
  random fluctuation 0.33   In some graphs, even the tiny squiggles that should arise from purely random fluctuations matched exactly.
  rapid fluctuation 0.33   This is widely used for steady or mean pressure measurements but cannot respond to rapid fluctuations.
  sudden fluctuation 0.33   Avoid sudden fluctuations in water temperature.
  current fluctuation 0.26   Analysts and economists also attributed current fluctuation of stock prices to short-term fund movements.
  cyclical fluctuation 0.26   Why do economies experience cyclical fluctuations?
  excessive fluctuation 0.26   He said that action would be taken to correct any excessive fluctuations in dollar-yen exchange rates.
  hormonal fluctuation 0.26   Antibiotics and hormonal fluctuations could play a role but not everyone is susceptible.
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