tend flock 0.72   A shepherd tends flocks of goats.
  keep flock 0.66   And crews put out feed to keep the flocks around.
  see flock 0.66   Never see a flock of sheep on the road now.
  lead flock 0.59   He said Koresh had led his flock astray.
  attract flock 0.46   Come summer, you can always count on blockbuster movies attracting flocks of tie-in documentaries.
  bring flock 0.46   July, August and September are busy months that bring flocks of European visitors.
  have flock 0.46   One yard has a flock of emus.
  guard flock 0.33   The roots of yodeling are in the calls of the mountain shepherds guarding their flock.
  watch flock 0.33   The others watch a flock in a pasture a mile away.
  gather flock 0.26   Herders gathered their flocks around wells that still worked, causing overgrazing.
  herd flock 0.26   Whether herding our flocks or chasing balls, dogs enrich our lives.
  hit flock 0.26   Another possibility was hitting a flock of birds, which could damage the engines.
  keep_together flock 0.26   The prime minister has problems keeping his flock together.
  protect flock 0.26   Shepherds in the area were carrying guns to protect their flocks.
  shepherd flock 0.26   Candilio has been in Malaysia for four years, shepherding his flock here.
  take flock 0.26   They took his flock of sheep.
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