serious flaw 4.54   He had serious flaws.
  major flaw 3.75   The book has two other major flaws.
  fatal flaw 3.69   Fatal flaw.
  fundamental flaw 2.90   The question had a fundamental flaw.
  genetic flaw 2.44   Guys ignore maps because of a genetic flaw.
  technical flaw 1.91   Hughes has a technical flaw in her triple lutz.
  minor flaw 1.84   The toy has one minor flaw.
  only flaw 1.71   His extreme humility might be his only flaw.
  structural flaw 1.32   A structural flaw?
  basic flaw 0.99   Here is the basic flaw.
  obvious flaw 0.99   There are several obvious flaws in his argument.
  potential flaw 0.99   The design does have a potential flaw.
  mechanical flaw 0.86   His mechanical flaw may have been corrected.
  manufacturing flaw 0.79   Russian space officials said a manufacturing flaw appeared to be to blame.
  similar flaw 0.79   Similar flaws were found repeatedly at other locations.
  deep flaw 0.72   But there were deep flaws in the case against Cortes.
  possible flaw 0.72   There is another aspect of Antonio that is a possible flaw in his character.
  small flaw 0.66   But these are small flaws.
  legal flaw 0.59   The lawyers said the summons contained legal flaws that made her presence unnecessary.
  personal flaw 0.59   But that was about ideas, not personal flaws.
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