temper flare 11.78   Tempers flare.
  violence flare 11.06   Violence flared elsewhere.
  tension flare 6.45   Trade tensions also flared.
  trouble flare 3.03   Trouble also flared between Cardiff and Stoke two years ago.
  protest flare 1.32   Protests flared on many campuses.
  clash flare 0.99   Clashes also flared in the West Bank.
  dispute flare 0.92   But the dispute may flare again, Stobaugh said, if the administrator decides against the workers.
  controversy flare 0.86   Curriculum controversies have also flared elsewhere.
  anger flare 0.79   And anger was flaring.
  conflict flare 0.72   Communal conflicts are flaring.
  nostril flare 0.72   Nostrils flare.
  eye flare 0.66   His eyes flared with rage.
  debate flare 0.59   Debate has flared over how to resolve problems with the program.
  issue flare 0.59   Even in recent years, racial issues have flared repeatedly.
  crisis flare 0.53   During that trip another crisis flared.
  fire flare 0.53   Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.
  unrest flare 0.53   Unrest flared in Bahrain just over a year ago.
  riot flare 0.46   Again, riots flared.
  thunderstorm flare 0.46   Meanwhile, isolated but large thunderstorms will flare over parts of eastern Florida.
  war flare 0.46   The great Los Angeles brush-clearance war flares anew.
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