carry firearm 10.01   The guards did not carry firearms.
  use firearm 5.60   No firearms were used.
  possess firearm 4.02   It is illegal to possess a firearm in Britain.
  own firearm 2.70   It also included owning a firearm.
  buy firearm 1.91   Texas law, he was prohibited from buying a firearm.
  sell firearm 1.51   Max Meral licenses if they sell firearms.
  have firearm 1.25   They had no firearms.
  involve firearm 0.99   Most involved firearms.
  find firearm 0.92   No firearms were found.
  discharge firearm 0.86   He said he had never discharged a firearm in the vehicle.
  keep firearm 0.79   It is illegal in Kenya to keep firearms without a permit from the government.
  purchase firearm 0.72   After that, the buyer can purchase the firearm.
  recover firearm 0.66   A firearm was recovered at the scene.
  bring firearm 0.59   For instance, they brought firearms.
  seize firearm 0.59   The man was arrested and his state-issue firearm was seized, police said.
  confiscate firearm 0.53   Nine firearms have been confiscated, he said.
  brandish firearm 0.46   Did he brandish a firearm?
  carrying firearm 0.46   Charges of larceny and carrying a firearm without a permit were filed.
  smuggle firearm 0.46   They were also charged with smuggling firearms into Hong Kong, media have reported.
  steal firearm 0.46   After killing Manning, the men stole his firearm.
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