gang feud 1.12   Gang feud settled in blood.
  biker feud 0.66   The murder of the first innocent bystander in the biker feud brought angry reactions in Norway.
  land feud 0.39   The move sparked land feuds and religious conflicts involving pro-and anti-rebel groups.
  power feud 0.39   Lukashenko and parliament have been locked in a power feud for weeks over the two referendums.
  three-year feud 0.39   The Hells Angels and the Bandidos last month declared an end to their three-year feud.
  clan feud 0.33   The bloodshed was triggered by a clan feud, witnesses said.
  trade feud 0.33   Independent Central American producers are squeezed by trade feud.
  two-year feud 0.33   The report brought to a conclusion a bitter two-year feud among Suffolk Republican leaders.
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