critic fault 2.24   Some critics have faulted them for those rough edges.
  report fault 1.51   The report also faulted EPA.
  analyst fault 0.99   So some analysts fault Isetan for falling into a trap.
  group fault 0.66   Other groups have faulted him for not keeping his manifold campaign promises.
  official fault 0.53   Officials fault a lack of nearby development.
  double fault 0.46   Courier double faulted on match point.
  investigation fault 0.33   Moreover, the investigation faulted Vladeck for having an appearance of a conflict of interest.
  investigator fault 0.33   Investigators also faulted those hired to operate the machines.
  people fault 0.33   Some people fault me for it.
  auditor fault 0.26   The auditors faulted the Air Force for not monitoring such spending closely enough.
  expert fault 0.26   Nobody blames children, but almost all experts fault parents for the toy explosion.
  judge fault 0.26   The judge faulted Yogman for failing to correct the false testimony of Campbell.
  opponent fault 0.26   He went two breaks up when his opponent double faulted in the fourth game.
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