help farmer 7.83   Now he helps other farmers as a member.
  kill farmer 7.31   One farmer was killed.
  pay farmer 5.99   Pay farmers to paint fences?
  compensate farmer 4.67   EU plans to compensate British farmers.
  protect farmer 4.67   The right way to protect farmers is insurance, not subsidy.
  keep farmer 2.37   Mud has kept many farmers from planting corn.
  hurt farmer 1.97   That hurts a farmer.
  support farmer 1.84   ...projects expressly designed to support cattle farmers.
  prevent farmer 1.65   On the one hand, the PWG prevents farmers from joining co-operatives.
  subsidize farmer 1.65   Europe also subsidizes its farmers.
  say farmer 1.45   Preposterous, says the farmer, and Mr. Cox is banished.
  include farmer 1.38   Five people were injured, including a farmer living in the area.
  arrest farmer 1.25   Four farmers were arrested.
  hit farmer 1.25   The farmer was not hit.
  assist farmer 1.18   The money was meant to assist farmers, but never reached them.
  benefit farmer 1.18   Forging far-reaching trade deals could also benefit farmers, Aldonas said.
  encourage farmer 1.18   The government is encouraging farmers to raise cats.
  provide farmer 1.18   CAVYSA provides the farmers with a steady customer for their products, Randall noted.
  allow farmer 0.99   Beneficial weekend weather allowed farmers to press ahead harvesting the fall soybean crop.
  injure farmer 0.99   Eight farmers were injured.
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