technical expertise 12.51   He had the technical expertise.
  special expertise 2.37   It requires no special expertise or experience.
  technological expertise 2.04   It depends on how much you trust technological expertise.
  professional expertise 1.84   But a soupcon of professional expertise never hurts.
  financial expertise 1.78   Cade could provide for both the Crown and its debtors credit and financial expertise.
  marketing expertise 1.58   The NBA agreed to lend its marketing expertise.
  necessary expertise 1.58   But he said the company has the necessary expertise if it is asked to join in.
  particular expertise 1.45   Kopp claims no particular expertise in technology.
  local expertise 1.38   We need to develop local expertise.
  considerable expertise 1.32   They required considerable expertise to operate.
  medical expertise 1.32   Medical expertise is not the problem.
  military expertise 1.32   U.S. military expertise.
  nuclear expertise 1.32   The aging of those with nuclear expertise is a cause of decline as well as a symptom.
  scientific expertise 1.32   Coville provided the scientific expertise to propagate and hybridize the berries.
  foreign expertise 1.18   Do you engage foreign expertise?
  legal expertise 1.18   But legal expertise was not needed.
  engineering expertise 0.99   Mazda, like Chrysler, has a reputation for engineering expertise.
  international expertise 0.79   Nor does he have any particular international expertise.
  economic expertise 0.72   Economic expertise was where Hassan had gained his renown.
  great expertise 0.72   It takes great expertise to recognize microbes and bacteria.
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