very existence 10.99   Its very existence was a state secret.
  human existence 4.41   It runs the gamut of human existence.
  continued existence 3.69   ...the continued existence of a species.
  mere existence 2.44   The mere existence of the power may be sufficient.
  daily existence 1.51   It was not part of our daily existence.
  precarious existence 1.38   It is a precarious existence.
  hand-to-mouth existence 1.32   There they live a hand-to-mouth existence.
  nomadic existence 1.05   Nomadic existence followed.
  miserable existence 0.79   The women lead a miserable existence.
  solitary existence 0.79   He led a rather solitary existence.
  charmed existence 0.72   It led a charmed existence.
  everyday existence 0.72   It affects the quality of your everyday existence.
  meager existence 0.72   It was a meager existence.
  day-to-day existence 0.66   Emotionally, day-to-day existence was a chemical experiment, exciting, volatile, risky.
  entire existence 0.66   It owes its entire existence to Pataki, and is accountable only to him.
  lonely existence 0.66   But theirs is hardly a lonely existence.
  possible existence 0.66   He said the US secret services report only speculated on the possible existence of such an account.
  quiet existence 0.66   He lives a quiet existence in Kuala Lumpur.
  comfortable existence 0.59   They enjoy a comfortable existence.
  independent existence 0.59   She is incapable of independent existence.
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