cuban exile 33.05   Apparently some Cuban exiles have not.
  self-imposed exile 14.75   The self-imposed exile was necessary.
  saudi exile 7.11   U.S. says Saudi exile Osama bin Laden prime suspect.
  political exile 4.28   His political exile was brief.
  tibetan exile 3.55   The Tibetan exiles accuse China of occupying their country.
  internal exile 2.57   He could go into internal exile in Serbia.
  iranian exile 2.50   Germany has the most Iranian exiles of any European country.
  anti-castro exile 2.30   Southern Florida is a hotbed of anti-Castro Cuban exiles.
  iraqi exile 2.24   Some Iraqi exiles were even more blunt.
  cuban-american exile 1.38   Cuban-American exile groups had mixed reactions.
  chilean exile 1.25   Honecker died of liver cancer last year in Chilean exile.
  permanent exile 1.18   The King threatened her with permanent exile.
  forced exile 1.12   Mbeki was living in forced exile.
  long exile 1.12   Hekmatyar returned to Afghanistan in recent weeks after a long exile in Iran.
  miami-based exile 1.12   They belonged to a Miami-based exile group.
  burmese exile 0.92   Burmese exile groups in Japan have denied involvement in the bombing.
  voluntary exile 0.92   He then went into voluntary exile.
  afghan exile 0.86   One million more Afghan exiles are living elsewhere in the country.
  prominent exile 0.79   The two players called prominent exile groups in Miami to ask for help in obtaining political asylum.
  chinese exile 0.72   Jailed Chinese exile asks family to find lawyer.
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