car exhaust 3.23 exhaust fumes.
  diesel exhaust 1.65   The engine sputtered to life with a corrupting puff of diesel exhaust.
  vehicle exhaust 1.12   A cloud of toxic vehicle exhaust hangs over the city.
  engine exhaust 0.92   The other death came from engine exhaust.
  auto exhaust 0.66   Auto exhaust has been linked to this greenhouse effect.
  rocket exhaust 0.39   The experiment sought to evaluate what would happen if rocket exhaust hits parts of the planned space station.
  jet exhaust 0.33   Inhaling a sudden blast of jet exhaust.
  shuttle exhaust 0.33   The space station has solar panels that can be damaged by shuttle exhaust.
  twin exhaust 0.26   Its twin exhausts seem to belch smoke in sympathy with my moods.
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