company executive 69.78   A panel of biomedical company executives agreed.
  business executive 59.51   A black business executive.
  industry executive 59.18   Auto industry executives are furious.
  network executive 20.80   A powerful network executive?
  studio executive 14.48   Not so, say studio executives.
  bank executive 13.30   Before the war he was a bank executive.
  television executive 12.77   Television executives rarely can resist tinkering.
  oil executive 12.05   Oil executives deny the charges.
  airline executive 11.85   Airline executives are also hitting the stump.
  auto executive 9.87   Auto executives are more optimistic.
  tobacco executive 8.16   Bosses will be like tobacco executives.
  news executive 7.50   Are news executives going overboard?
  medium executive 6.91   Other media executives see it differently.
  entertainment executive 6.52   Entertainment executives outside Sony detect a new mood.
  co-chief executive 5.92   The two will be co-chief executives.
  hospital executive 5.79   Sorry, hospital executives.
  team executive 5.27   A team executive declined to comment.
  music executive 4.74   Music executives took notice.
  baseball executive 4.28   Baseball executives have heard that before.
  newspaper executive 4.02   Newspaper executives were not available for comment.
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