water evaporate 4.15   Add a little water if liquid evaporates.
  liquid evaporate 3.23   Cook until the liquid evaporates.
  lead evaporate 1.25   All the while, the Rams saw their lead evaporate alarmingly.
  hope evaporate 0.92   These hopes evaporated Tuesday.
  profit evaporate 0.79   Profits are evaporating.
  moisture evaporate 0.72   That way moisture can evaporate from the cooking mixture.
  saving evaporate 0.66   Families watched their life savings evaporate on stock markets.
  support evaporate 0.66   However, his support soon evaporated.
  money evaporate 0.59   Then his money evaporates.
  interest evaporate 0.53   But once Soviet troops were gone, Western interest evaporated.
  job evaporate 0.53   Jobs evaporate.
  wine evaporate 0.46   Simmer, stirring, until wine has evaporated.
  advantage evaporate 0.39   That advantage evaporated in a span of less than a minute.
  gain evaporate 0.39   The cuts did not materialize, and the gains soon evaporated.
  surplus evaporate 0.39   Absent that, the surplus has evaporated, the White House conceded.
  confidence evaporate 0.33   Confidence evaporated.
  dream evaporate 0.33   Both saw their dreams evaporate long ago.
  euphoria evaporate 0.33   But the euphoria evaporated fast.
  heat evaporate 0.33   The heat evaporated the water.
  juice evaporate 0.33   Uncover and let the juices evaporate completely.
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