price equal 0.72   In spite of this, the new price equalled only half the real price of this vital commodity.
  money equal 0.59   Money equals freedom.
  cost equal 0.46   Actual costs equalled estimated costs in all years.
  rate equal 0.46   The new rate equals the current black market rate.
  value equal 0.46   Value equals patient outcome, plus satisfaction, over costs.
  omega equal 0.33   Scientists express this condition of critical density as omega equals one.
  sale equal 0.33   Their annual sales equal those figures almost to the dollar.
  amount equal 0.26   The amount equals the approximate average monthly salary in Bulgaria.
  change equal 0.26   Change equals loss.
  fine equal 0.26   Analysts say the fine probably equaled the ill-gotten profits from the scheme.
  loss equal 0.26   And loss equals pain.
  point equal 0.26   Each penalty point equals one second.
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