plan envisage 2.44   The plan envisages turning Sri Lanka into a federal state in all but name.
  accord envisage 1.38   The accord also envisages joint training for border troops.
  agreement envisage 1.18   The agreement also envisages establishment of a national Islamic army, it said.
  law envisage 1.05   The law also envisages privileges for those who give themselves up voluntarily.
  proposal envisage 1.05   The proposal envisages exits at Wan Chai and Hung Hom.
  deal envisage 0.72   The deal envisages monitoring by a Scandinavian mission led by Norway.
  budget envisage 0.53   The budget envisaged a federal deficit of Can.
  program envisage 0.46   The program envisages periodic launches to check missile performance.
  document envisage 0.33   The document envisaged six months of bilateral negotiations over programmes and funding.
  draft envisage 0.33   In addition, the draft envisages canceling some taxes and simplifying others to encourage production.
  government envisage 0.33   The Bonn government is envisaging military cooperation with Beijing.
  reform envisage 0.33   The reform envisages a breakup of UES into separate generating and marketing units and abolishing state control of electricity prices.
  constitution envisage 0.26   The officials maintain that the constitution does not envisage extradition of its citizens.
  pact envisage 0.26   The pact had envisaged more devolution of powers to Tamil-dominated regional councils.
  protocol envisage 0.26   The peace protocol envisaged the formation of a new national army and the return of UNITA depuites to parliament with some taking up ministerial posts.
  resolution envisage 0.26   The resolution envisages in this event the UN troops having to be withdrawn.
  treaty envisage 0.26   The founding EU treaties envisaged a loose objective of ever greater union.
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