separate entity 14.68   The mind exists as a separate entity.
  new entity 11.72   The new entity adds further complexity.
  serb entity 9.08   A Serb entity controls the other half.
  political entity 5.92   They have become political entities.
  single entity 5.60   The two companies operate as one single entity.
  corporate entity 4.87   The corporate entity ruled.
  the entity 4.74   The other entity is Republika Srpska.
  palestinian entity 4.67   We now have a Palestinian entity in the heart of Israel.
  independent entity 4.48   Will all three survive as independent entities?
  legal entity 4.15   Registered as a separate legal entity.
  combined entity 3.29   GTE said, though, that BT could join the combined entity.
  private entity 3.29   Amtrak itself could bid against private entities.
  merged entity 3.09   Tellep would retain his current titles in the merged entity.
  public entity 2.96   The Alamodome is a public entity and cannot offer a package deal.
  foreign entity 2.24   The foreign entity is for tax reasons, Ivy says.
  nonprofit entity 1.71   The idea was to avoid the bureaucracy involved in setting up a nonprofit entity.
  commercial entity 1.45   Even rebellion has been turned into a commercial entity.
  governmental entity 1.45   Governmental entities won six of seven cases in which they were primary defendants.
  local entity 1.25   Local entities are contravening legislative intent?
  distinct entity 1.18   There will not be two distinct national entities.
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