announce engagement 4.87   My cousin is announcing his engagement.
  cancel engagement 3.75   However, Vajpayee cancelled the engagement.
  speak engagement 1.97   I do a lot of speaking engagements.
  have engagement 1.65   However, the duo have other engagements.
  break engagement 0.79   So I broke the engagement.
  accept engagement 0.59   These days, she accepts fewer engagements.
  confirm engagement 0.39   Fleischer confirmed the engagement Tuesday but said no wedding date has been set.
  end engagement 0.39   And there are stiff penalties for ending the engagement.
  celebrate engagement 0.33   Since neither drinks, they celebrate their engagement with a cup of tea.
  fulfill engagement 0.33   He had been in Germany fulfilling speaking engagements at the time.
  support engagement 0.33   Groups supporting such engagement have started to speak up.
  book engagement 0.26   Further engagements are being booked.
  break_off engagement 0.26   And from time to time the engagement is broken off.
  cite engagement 0.26   The two men briefed reporters after both Mandela and NP leader Frederik de Klerk left the meeting, citing other engagements.
  plan engagement 0.26   New York and Washington engagements are planned.
  schedule engagement 0.26   He has no engagements scheduled at the Met in future seasons.
  seek engagement 0.26   But President Kim Dae-jung seeks greater engagement with the North.
  undertake engagement 0.26   But his office said he would undertake public engagements.
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