former enemy 21.33   He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy.
  political enemy 16.52   Nixon had many political enemies.
  worst enemy 11.45   He is his own worst enemy.
  bitter enemy 9.22   Even bitter enemies.
  old enemy 8.62   The two men are old enemies.
  common enemy 7.04   Is it a common enemy?
  sworn enemy 5.79   In the Fifties they were sworn enemies.
  natural enemy 4.67   Our natural enemy had struck again.
  new enemy 3.42   New enemies.
  potential enemy 3.23   Shevardnadze has still more potential enemies.
  mortal enemy 2.96   Viruses and bacteria are usually mortal enemies.
  powerful enemy 2.90   Success can be a powerful enemy.
  traditional enemy 2.57   Turkey and Greece, traditional enemies, join forces on Kosovo.
  arch enemy 2.37   They are our arch enemies.
  biggest enemy 2.04   Time is his biggest enemy.
  longtime enemy 2.04   Netanyahu finds a partner in longtime enemy.
  real enemy 1.78   But the real enemy is noise.
  main enemy 1.51   Thirst was his main enemy, he said.
  one-time enemy 1.51   Economic relations between the one-time enemies, however, still lag.
  perceived enemy 1.32   The country took preemptive action against the perceived enemy.
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