woman endure 1.51   Women endure.
  country endure 1.45   The country has endured civil war and economic collapse.
  family endure 1.25   But now the family must endure another crisis.
  people endure 1.25   Today, people endure inhuman conditions for years.
  company endure 0.99   The company endured heavy financial losses.
  player endure 0.79   How much pain can a player endure?
  man endure 0.66   How much can one man endure?
  resident endure 0.66   Terrified residents endured a hellish week of fighting.
  nation endure 0.59   Our nation will endure.
  democracy endure 0.53   Free elections are an affirmation that democracy endures through war and terror.
  image endure 0.53   Two images endure in Tbilisi.
  legacy endure 0.53   Legacies endure.
  child endure 0.46   Nesmith worries about the teasing her children may endure.
  friendship endure 0.46   Their friendship endured.
  love endure 0.46   Great loves endure beyond the grave.
  territory endure 0.46   The territory has endured years of human rights abuses and a guerrilla war.
  tradition endure 0.46   The tradition has endured.
  worker endure 0.46   French postal workers endured several nerve-wracking incidents but generally stayed on the job.
  industry endure 0.39   Few industries endure technological change as rapid as in the semiconductor business.
  most endure 0.39   During the Gulf War four years ago, he said, most endured the daily fears of missile attacks from Iraq.
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