sexual encounter 15.67   ...a sexual encounter.
  first encounter 15.34   And that is our first encounter.
  close encounter 7.90   A close encounter is expected.
  face-to-face encounter 5.07   It will be their third face-to-face encounter.
  previous encounter 4.61   Basuki had won their only two previous encounters.
  brief encounter 3.62   A brief encounter...
  separate encounter 2.90   Two more militants died in separate overnight encounters in Kashmir.
  second encounter 1.84   But the second encounter is clear.
  such encounter 1.45   The last such encounter occurred in late October.
  alleged encounter 1.32   Ms. Tripp bumped into Ms. Willey shortly after the alleged encounter.
  next encounter 1.18   I look forward to our next encounter.
  similar encounter 1.18   Another neighbour also had a similar encounter.
  tense encounter 1.12   It was the latest in a series of tense encounters between the two teams.
  historic encounter 1.05   Then the historic encounter was over, both still standing, quickly hugging.
  last encounter 1.05   The last such encounter occurred in late October.
  initial encounter 0.99   Their initial encounter is on a tombstone in a cramped churchyard.
  personal encounter 0.99   Q. What was your first personal encounter with racism?
  violent encounter 0.99   There was a violent encounter between fans of the opposing teams.
  overnight encounter 0.86   Two more militants died in separate overnight encounters in Kashmir.
  recent encounter 0.86   They screamed at each other in one recent encounter.
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