official emphasize 14.88   A few precautions can reduce risks, NHTSA officials emphasize.
  company emphasize 2.24   What kind of skills does the company emphasize?
  report emphasize 2.24   The report emphasized the positive side.
  researcher emphasize 1.65   Researchers emphasize that the chimps are not harmed.
  executive emphasize 1.45   The executives emphasized that they acted out of concern for American troops.
  program emphasize 1.45   Our program emphasizes self-help.
  leader emphasize 1.32   Villa leaders emphasize nonviolence and self-reliance.
  candidate emphasize 1.18   The candidates emphasize some of the same issues.
  campaign emphasize 1.12   The campaigns themselves emphasized their small donors.
  doctor emphasize 1.12   Still, doctors emphasized his limitations.
  pain emphasize 0.99   As Greene took pains to emphasize, the truth is never simple.
  president emphasize 0.99   The president emphasized that he did not pressure Gruninger to resign or retire.
  administration emphasize 0.92   The Bush administration will not emphasize almost exclusively what Israel should do, he said.
  expert emphasize 0.92   Retention experts emphasize that some turnover is healthy.
  scientist emphasize 0.92   Some scientists emphasize the genetic fraternity of humanity.
  government emphasize 0.79   The regional government also emphasized customer service.
  policy emphasize 0.79   Former policies had emphasized the promotion of democracy and other social causes.
  authority emphasize 0.72   Federal authorities emphasized that neither man has been charged.
  member emphasize 0.72   Republican members emphasized reducing the federal budget deficit.
  school emphasize 0.72   The school emphasizes black culture.
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