japanese electronics 14.42   Early retirement at Japanese electronics giant.
  home electronics 6.91   The six industries included home electronics and cars.
  major electronics 4.08   Major electronics and auto exporters slipped.
  dutch electronics 2.50   The Dutch electronics giant declined to say how much money it spent on developing the new technology.
  german electronics 1.91   Siemens Nixdorf is a unit of German electronics company Siemens AG.
  global electronics 1.71   Major global electronics companies will introduce DVD players by the end of this year.
  advanced electronics 1.32   Litton cited costs for two development programs in its advanced electronics segment.
  big electronics 1.32   The picture for big electronics exporters was mixed.
  military electronics 1.32   Lockheed Martin will absorb the highly regarded military electronics business of Loral.
  giant electronics 1.18   Early retirement at Japanese electronics giant.
  local electronics 1.18   Available at local electronics stores.
  top electronics 1.12   Top electronics companies are rapidly losing their competitive pricing edge against growing Asian rivals.
  automotive electronics 1.05   Some automotive electronics do not take kindly to jumps.
  large electronics 0.92   Ned is a corporate planner in a large electronics products company.
  molecular electronics 0.92   The recent molecular electronics work has been blemished, at least, by sloppiness.
  industrial electronics 0.86   Consider Sony, the consumer and industrial electronics giant.
  modern electronics 0.86   What has all this to do with modern electronics?
  new electronics 0.86   With the new electronics, many of those chores can be done with computers.
  export-oriented electronics 0.79   Other export-oriented electronics stocks were higher, however.
  sophisticated electronics 0.79   He was in possession of sophisticated electronics equipment, police said.
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